Why are GPS traffic cards classified and why are they classified? Today, I see some information about the GPS traffic cards used in the market, including which traffic cards are used by the GPS locator and which cards are required by the equipment.
It is classified according to the GPS required in the market.
The first: conventional GPS locator, such as ultra long standby GPS for three years.
Second: charging Wireless GPS, which has voice function
The third kind: personnel positioning or children positioning watches
Let’s look at three types of:
First: conventional GPS locator
This GPS locator currently needs a pure traffic card, that is, IOT network card. This GPS traffic card, for example, needs a 5m or 30m traffic card.
Second: charging Wireless GPS
This GPS locator needs to be able to record and dial. At present, this kind of card is more expensive in the market
The third type: personnel positioning
For example, a watch can be called, that is, we can call it. He can only answer, not dial. This kind of personnel can locate the card needed at present.
The following figure shows the picture of GPS traffic card